
Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Favorites - Half Marathon, Oatmega, Santa, and Simple Pleasures

Happy Friday Everyone!

Woohooo the weekend is almost here! For today's Friday Favorites, I wanted to share a few things that I am looking forward to this weekend and a few things that made me smile this past week.

First up, I am super pumped to run the Spicewood Vineyards half marathon this weekend! I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I am looking forward to the challenge. I just have to trust my training and be ok with the fact that I am probably going to be substantially slower than in past races. It's suppose to be a beautiful course so I am just going to focus on enjoying the race.  Any extra prayers that my hips hold up would be greatly appreciated! :)

Spicewood VIneyards 2014 Sean v2

Another thing I can't wait for this weekend is to take Belle to have her picture made with Santa! I have her outfit all picked out and ready to go. Hopefully, she loves him and we can get a few good pictures. The holidays are officially here, and I'm loving getting to share them with my tiny human!

This past week, I have been loving all of the fall colors in Austin. I really don't feel like our leaves were this pretty last year, or maybe I just didn't notice them as much. Fall really is my favorite season even though we only get to experience it for about 2 weeks here in Texas. I'm going to soak up all the pretty fall colors while I can and try to cement them to memory to carry me over until next year. :)

I am also really digging my Barre playlist this week. I have a few new songs that friends have suggested and some old classics (Shake Ya Tailfeather anyone?) that make me smile every time! It's amazing how motivating a great play list can be! 

I told you a few weeks ago how much I loved the Oatmega bars, and this week I discovered a new favorite flavor. The Vanilla Almond Crisp flavor is the (yep, I'm 14 again)! Seriously, if you haven't tried these bars, you should definitely grab some next time you are at the store.


Yesterday, I actually had the chance to catch up on some of my fitness magazines. I subscribe to three different magazines and they have been piling up ever since Belle arrived since I don't really have much time to read them. Yesterday, I had a few spare moments while she was napping, so I grabbed one and did a few laps around the house as I read (got to get in those 10,000 steps for the Happy Healthy Holidays Challenge)! It was a glorious brain break.

I'm also loving getting to watch little bit grow and develop each and every day. It's crazy how much she has changed in just the past few weeks. She is so much more into toys lately and can really reach and grab on to things. She is also almost sitting up by herself which is super crazy. She can do it for a little while and then she starts the slow lean forward (notice the pillow). She is just so much fun to interact with all day (until she gets hungry or tired of course and then everyone should take cover). 

And those are my Friday Favorites for this week! It has been a great week and I am looking forward to a fun and fitness filled weekend. 

Linking to the HOST

Housewife Glamour

In health,


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