
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Annabelle 4 Month Update


I would like to send out a big thank you to all of the brave men and women who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces. The sacrifices you and your families make each and every day cannot be measured, and I am forever greatful for your willingness to protect our country! 

Another month has flown by, and I have fallen even more in love with this sweet giggly baby of mine!

I seriously stare at her some days and wonder how I got so lucky. In the last month her personality has really started to come out. She loves to laugh and will talk to anyone who will listen. Her coos and squels keep me entertained all day long! Talking to Grandpa over coffee is the best!

She's become a much more laid back baby over the past few weeks as well (knock on wood). She used to hate the baby carrier, but now, she will happily sit in it and stare at the trees and passing people no problem. This made daddy very happy as he's been waiting to use his "tiny human backpack" since we found out we were expecting! 

Annabelle is also getting really good at sitting in her bumbo and helping mommy cook. She usually stares at all the utensils and is mesmerized by foil. 

She seems to be enjoying tummy time a lot more lately and is starting to play with her toys more every day. 

Her Pilates instructor training is going great! She will be teaching in no time! 

Belle's first Halloween was a definitely a huge success as well! She rocked her 80's aerobics instructor outfit like nobody's business!

One of my favorite things is watching her sleep. She looks so sweet and innocent. Hard core milk commas are the best! 

Everyday, I watch her grow and change. Part of me wishes she could stay little forever and the other part of me is so excited to watch her grown and develop. I'm determined to cherish each and every precious moment and soak up ever giggle, coo, and baby snuggle I can. I am definitely one very blessed mama!

In health,



  1. I need that barre shirt!!! Where did you get it? Happy 4 months! We are pushing 3 over here!
    Emma M.

    1. My friend Lacey made it! Her website is


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