
Monday, October 27, 2014

Running, Birthdays, and a Spartan Race Giveaway Oh My!

Happy Monday

Is it really Monday already?? I wish we could slow down the weekends a bit, especially this one. We didn't do anything too crazy, but it was so nice to spend some quality time with my two favorite people.

Saturday morning, the tiny human gave me the best gift ever and slept all the way until 6 AM. I fed her, put her back to sleep, and headed out for my run. It was a cool 68 degrees and felt amazing! My legs were pretty tired from a week full of teaching, but the run felt pretty good non-the-less. It was the longest I have ran since I found out I was pregnant a year ago. Thanks to pretty rough morning sickness and super tight hips, my running days ended pretty soon after I found out we were expecting. It was a tiny price to pay for sweet baby girl. :) They weren't the fastest 5 miles by any means, but I did manage to finish just a hair under my goal pace.

Training Plan October 27th- November 1st
Monday: 4.5 Miles
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: No running
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: No running
Saturday: 6 miles
Sunday: Rest

After a quick shower, it was time to get Annabelle up for the day. We hung out for a little bit and then went and picked up kolache's and cookie cake for E's birthday. E can eat a ridiculous amount of sweets at one time, but when it comes to cookie cake, he takes it to a whole 'nother level. There were only two pieces of cake left by the end of the night on Saturday, and I'm sure he had to hold himself back from eating those.

Annabelle likes to hang out in her PJ's on Saturday morning and watch Game Day with mom while dad sleeps. :)

Once pops woke up, he and Annabelle spent most of the day on the couch (when she wasn't eating or napping) watching football. I asked E if he wanted to anything special for his birthday, but he informed me that would require him to miss some football games so that was out of the question.

He did get to open presents, watch plenty of football, and chow down on BBQ for dinner, so overall, he would call it a very successful birthday.

Now, time for the exciting giveaway! The awesome/hardcore people with the Reebok Spartan Race contacted me about hosting a race entry giveaway here on the blog. Ever since running the Tough Mudder a few years ago, I have really been wanting to step it up to the next level and do a Reebok Spartan Race so I jumped at the chance to help them spread the word about their upcoming races. Unfortunately, we will be traveling on the date of the Dallas race, but I really want to try to make it happen next year! However, that doesn't mean one of you can't participate for Free!

So what is the Reebok Spartan Race? Let's hear it straight from the source!

"Spartan Race is on a mission to get you active, healthy, excited about change, and return to our ancient roots where running through woods, getting dirty, and facing adversity was part of everyday life. Our events are all about challenging today’s perception of normal.

Having experienced many different racing events, we wanted to make adventure racing more accessible to everyone, but do not be fooled by the word ‘accessible’, as our events have a challenge for everyone’s needs. Spartan Race now introduces a level for everyone beginning with the entry level Spartan Sprint, intermediate level Super Spartan, the advanced Spartan Beast, and the ‘99.9% need not apply’ extreme level Death Race.Whatever your level, Spartan Race will test your strength, stamina, and sense of humor. "

I love how their mission is to get everyone healty and excited about movement! Many people associate the Spartan Race series with something scary and unmanagable, but their new level system really makes it a race for anyone! Since this race is for anybody looking to have a great time, EVERYONE can get 10% off their race entry using the code SPARTANBLOGGER.

And one lucky reader will win a FREE RACE ENTRY to any Spartan Race in the U.S.
Entry is good for any race in the contininatal US. Giveaway will be open through Sunday, November 2nd and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, November 4th! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How was your weekend?

Have you ever particpated in a Reebok Spartan Race? If so, what was your favorite part?


  1. Madison watches a lot of football when she is hanging out with daddy too :)

    Spartan race looks like fun, I have never done one before.
    And thanks for your comment, your tips really help. thank you!

  2. Shooting for the Spartan Trifecta of all 3 race lengths- Sprint, Super and Beast in 2015!

  3. I really enjoy the inner competitiveness and comradery that comes with all Spartan racers. Hoping to tackle the Trifecta next season!

    1. It is like it's only little community! So neat!

  4. I have yet to participate in a Spartan and there's one coming up at Fenway Park which would be a blast.

  5. Yay! I completed my first trifecta this year and am looking to do another next. So addicting!!! You definitely need to try one when you have the opportunity you will love it! AROOO!

  6. I love to challenge myself physically. I think Spartan Races are some of the toughest obstacle course races around.

  7. I'd love to participate because my daughter is all about it.

  8. i'd like to head to vermont to see what the hype is all about...


I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment below.