
Thursday, August 21, 2014

On the road again! My first run post baby.


This morning I did something I have been waiting half a year to do (doesn't half a year sound so dramatic?)! I went running and it was glorious! Slow as molasses but glorious.

The picture on the left was taken at about 8 months pregnant and the right is this morning. The view of my feet has changed a bit! My hips started acting up early on in my pregnancy, so I had to stop running way sooner than I thought I would. I kept teaching classes and walking (a lot), but there is just something about heading out on a run with your favorite playlist that is just magical!

This morning's run was definitely challenging, and I took a few short walk breaks, but I finished feeling energized and accomplished. I made it home just before the tiny human woke up hungry. After she finished eating, it is was my turn. Eggs, a pumpkin protein muffin, and mini plum did the trick. 

Now that my first run is in the books, I'm even more excited to start training for my next half marathon. Since we literally have a football game or some kind of event every weekend this fall, the first one I could do is in December. 

I'm overjoyed to run through the beautiful hill country for the Spicewood Vineyards Half Marathon on December 6th. Running and wine.... It can't get much better!

Apparently, they haven't updated their logo yet. Is anyone else planning out their race season?

In health,



  1. I did Spicewood last year, it's a BRUTAL course. I'm doing this one this year:

    Have you done 3M? It's my favorite!

    1. I'm definitely going to program in lots of hill repeats! :)

  2. Congrats!! I'm easing back in, too. I feel so slow but it also feels amazing to get out there. And yep- definitely planning out my races! :)

    1. Slow and steady wins the race right? You got this!

  3. I can't wait to get going after having my baby in september! good luck!

    1. Congratulations on your little one! That is so exciting! Towards the end of my pregnancy I missed hardcore exercise so much, I craved burpees


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