
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Em! + Playlist Love

Howdy Everyone,

Today is a very special day! It is my little sister's 24th birthday. Emily, is one of the funniest, spunkiest, most carefree, and fun loving people I know. Even though she is 2 years younger than me, she teaches me about life on a regular basis and always gives great advice!

Since the days of matching bows and terrible Christmas sweaters, she's been a great little sister. I am so proud of the amazing young women she has become. She graduated from The University of Texas this past December with a degree in PR (yes, I still claim her even though I went to A&M). She followed her dreams and got a job with one of the biggest music festivals in the country SXSW. She works passionately towards her goals each and every day.

She is always up for a good time and is the life of the party!

But when it comes to her family, she is always there when you need her no matter the time of day.

Pretty much, she's one of the coolest girls I know and I am so lucky to have her as my little sister!

Happy Birthday Em! I hope your day is filled with joy, love, happiness, and tons of laughs. Knowing you, I have no doubt in my mind the next few days will be a total party! LOVE YOU!

In honor of my music loving sister, I thought I would share my current Barre playlist. It's full of some of my favorite songs and can be used as the musical fuel for really any workout!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! It's time for me to head into work.

Have you entered my Mamma Chia Giveaway yet? You only have a few days left!


What's on your current workout playlist?

In health,

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