
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Feeling The Love - Annabelle's Shower

Happy Tuesday Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was jam packed, but absolutely amazing. I headed down to College Station on Friday afternoon to see my family once my siblings got out of school. I hung out at my parents house for a few hours and then headed over to meet my friend Kelli. We spent Friday evening catching up, crafting, and getting ready for Saturday.

My sweet friend Kelli threw Annabelle and I a shower this past weekend, and it was absolutely gorgeous! All of my family was there and we both felt so loved. Kelli is a party planner extraordinaire and the shower was too precious for words. With that being said, I'll skip right to pictures! :)

Check out that tutu!

Kelli and I

The beautiful mobile Kelli made for Annabelle!
Mema, Brooke, Mom, and I

The cousins - Karissa, Brooke, Madison, and I

Mrs. George (aka Annabelle's Grandma) and I

The George family

E and I
It was amazing to be surrounded by so many friends and family to celebrate baby Annabelle. I can't thank Kelli enough for everything she did to make the shower happen and the Georges for allowing us to use their house and all of their help getting ready.

I am so ready for this little girl to get here!

How was your weekend!

In health,

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