
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

30 Minute Rowing Sprint Workout

Happy Hump Day!

It has been one crazy day over here. I taugth a 6AM class, auditioned a new a instructor, and worked at the studio in the morning. In the afternoon I worked on an exciting new project that I can't wait to share with you guys. You'll have to wait until next week, but I promise it will be fun. I rounded out the day with another Barre class and lots of packing for Vegas.  I leave tomorrow for the wonderful Kelley Smith's bachelorette party! Wish us luck. Our friends Daphne and Katie will be joining us in Vegas, so it is sure to be a party!

The IdeaFit #springintoactionmarch photo of the day word was sprint, so I decided to leave you guys with a fun ladder sprint workout for the rowing machine. I thought it would be fun to do a different kind of sprint workout than your traditional bout on the treadmill. I hope you enjoy! For this sweat session, I would set your rowing machine to a medium resistance.

If you are looking for a great running sprint workout, check out Alison's post from Fearlessly Fierce today! I hope you have a great rest of your Wednesday!

In health,


  1. Just found your blog! I need to get back on the rowing machine... it's such a great workout. I teach too many spin classes these days to ever do anything else though!
    When are you due? I'm expecting Baby #2 in August!

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