
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

SuperSet Fun Workout + 80's Playlist + Banana Bread Muffins

Howdy Friends,

Happy Hump Day! How is your week going so far? I apologize for my absence. Things have been crazy busy around here, but that is actually a really good thing. It means I have been busy with new clients and classes. I have had a client at 5:30am every day (including Saturday and Sunday) this past week so any down time has been used for napping! :) Despite the early wake-up calls, I am having an absolute blast and feel extremely blessed to be able to do what I love for a living! It is also so much fun to get to share those experiences, workouts, recipes, and playlists with you guys.

Let's start with a rocking new playlist! Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to teach a private spin class for a birthday party. The birthday girl requested an all 80's playlist, so that is exactly what she got! I don't think I have ever had so much fun putting a playlist together. Check it out!

Now, moving on to fun workouts. Yesterday, in boot camp I did a superset workout. For this workout, I had campers pair up into groups of two. Each group was assigned a station with  two different exercises (example: front shoulder raises and reverse flys). They had to rotate exercises within their station 3 times before moving on to the next station. It was killer and they were sweating buckets, but still smiling of course, by the end. Want to try it out yourself? Go for it!

We couldn't workout without proper fueling! I have been eating a lot of eggs and green smoothies for breakfast lately, but neither of those sounded good this morning. I went for a good ol' mug muffin instead! They are quick, easy, delicious, and filling!

  • 3/4 a smashed banana (save the rest for toppings)
  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 packets of stevia
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 2 egg whites
  1. Smash up the banana in a separate bowl.
  2. Add additional ingredients and stir until well mixed. It should be a thick pudding consistently.
  3. Pour mixture into a greased coffee mug.
  4. Microwave for 3 minutes or until firm.
  5. Top with almond butter and the remainder of the sliced banana.
Let me know if you give it a try!

Today, I actually had a nice break in the middle of the day. I had a client at 5:15am, a class at 9:45am, and I don't have to back at the studio until 5 so you know what that means..... sunshine time! I grabbed a book, pandora, and a towel and headed outside. I set down my towel and then went to fix my music. When I turned back around, I found this!

Silly pup! Apparently champ wanted to layout too! :) We only lasted for about an hour before we got too hot and called it a day. My pasty self can only handle a little bit of sun at a time.

It's time to get a little cleaning done. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!

What is your current favorite breakfast? I need some new ideas!

In health,


  1. Hi Lauren,

    I haven't visited your blog in awhile and just made my way back while sorting through/deleting from my larger-than-life bookmark list. I now remember why I like your blog so much, and I'll be checking back again more frequently ;)

    I LOVE the idea of a spin or group fitness birthday party! SO much fun!!!


I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment below.