
Monday, April 15, 2013

Prayers for Boston

Hi Friends,

Today's post was going to be a recap of this weekends activities; however, with the tragic event that occurred today in Boston, that doesn't seem as important as taking a moment to say a prayer for those affected. My heart goes out to everyone who was injured, their loved ones, and those that had to respond to such a traumatic event.


It is times like these where we have to rally together as Americans. There were many great Americans in Boston today who ran towards those who were injured instead of away from the terror. Those men and women are true heroes and make me proud to be an American. Thank you to all first responders who risk their lives every day to save others.


Tonight I will hug my loved ones a little tighter and remember that each day is a gift never to be taken for granted. I will be sending extra prayers to Boston tonight and throughout the coming days as they work towards recovery.

Boston, you are in our prayers.

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