
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Personal Baked Oatmeal

Howdy Friends,

Today has been quite the day. E had to have minor surgery on his jaw this morning. He had major jaw surgery about 6 years ago and one of the screws that was left in his jaw was causing an infection. They went in to remove that and clean out the infection this morning. He was such a trooper and was cracking jokes as soon as he woke back up. He was quite amused by the fact that they put this bracelet on him.

I guess they worry about people who are still dizzy from the anesthesia walking around. E is such a hoss, he was doing wheelies in the hallway on the way to the car (not really, but he would have if I would have let him). Our fingers are crossed that this clears up the infection and they don't have to do anything else.

We were both pretty pooped when we got home so I took a short nap and E rested most of the afternoon (well deserved). At five o'clock I headed up to the Pilates studio to help out up front and then teach a class. We had a blast!!

I have a new recipe for your guys that I'm pretty excited about. Last weekend we went out to our friend Brandon's farm and his sweet mom made us delicious baked oatmeal. I have been craving it ever since but didn't want to make a big batch because I like to rotate between green smoothies and oatmeal for lunch. That's how this personal baked oatmeal was born. Don't let it's looks fool you, it's delicious!

It was super easy to throw together and tasted delicious. It was somewhere in between a muffin and oatmeal. This gem will have a place in my permanent rotation for sure!

Personal Baked Oatmeal

by Lauren George
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Keywords: microwave breakfast gluten-free

Ingredients (1 serving)
  • 1/3 cup gluten-free oats
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp almond milk
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 a sliced banana
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 packet stevia
Spray microwaveable mug with nonstick cooking spray.
Mix all ingredients together in mug.
Zap in the microwave for 3 minutes. Watch to make sure it does not overflow.
Finish with toppings of choice. I chose almond butter and blackberries.
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I'm off to walk the crazy pup! I hope you all have a great night.

In health,

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