
Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Perfect Sunday - Spotlight on Kerbey Lane Cafe + a Trip to Lady Bird Lake

Howdy Friends!

A new week is about to be upon us. Let's embrace it and take over the world! Ok, maybe taking over the world is a little overzealous, but lets at least rock the heck out of this week.

Today, was an absolutely amazing day! The weather was beautiful, we had great friends in town, and we got to spend some quality family time together. We started off the morning with a trip over to Kerbey Lane Cafe!

I've been dying to try this place. As you guys know, I could eat breakfast for every meal, so anytime I can partake in brunch is a good day by me. One of the things that I love most about Austin is how friendly it is for people who have food allergies. I told them I was allergic to gluten and they brought this gem right out!

They have gluten free apple spice pancakes and gingerbread pancakes. Oh, decisions decisions! I went with Apple Spice pancakes with eggs and fruit.

Oh my goodness those pancakes were life changing. I LOVE pancakes, and these were some of my favorites! :) E had french toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. He said it was delicious as well.

After a quick trip to the grocery store, we loaded up Champ and headed over to Lady Bird Lake to soak up the beautiful weather and go for a hike around the lake. I couldn't stop saying, "can you believe how beautiful it is?" :) Hahaha

My cute boys! Both of them are smiling big for mama.

Figuring out our route.

Champ made lots of new friends today!

Don't they both look so athletic?

Champ worked up quite a thirst on our walk.

Champ was in a standoff with this squirrel. It was hilarious!

We put the state flag on everything in Texas.

You could see the capital when we crossed over the bridge. What a beautiful view!

It has been a perfect Sunday and we're going to wrap it up by grilling some burgers!

What did you do this weekend?

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

In health,

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect Sunday! It was cold and rainy most of the day but we still took Rezi down to the beach. She loves to run off her leash! Love all the pictures - miss you guys!


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