
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You Vs The Sand Workout

Hi There,

What's up friends? Want to see what I'm munching on right now as I type? Carob covered almonds and decaf coffee! Mmmmm Mmmm good!

Yesterday's Sunrise Yoga class inspired me to create a sand workout that can kick your booty no equipment required.This workout will have your booty screaming and lungs burning in no time!

No access to a beach? No problem. You can do this bad boy on a volleyball court or even at a local park. The sand is just a bonus! :) Do you like doing outdoor workouts or are you more of a gym rat? I like both depending on my mood and the weather of course!

**Big announcement** I added a new page to the menu bar called QiFORZE Trainings. I told you guys awhile back that I recently became a Master Trainer for QiFORZE which is a brand new muscular strength and endurance program by Qignition! I have never experienced a class quite like it. QiFORZE utilizes innovative and functional movement patterns and amazing music to keep your body guessing and heart pumping for an entire hour long total body workout. If you want more information on QiFORZE or would like to attend a training, skip on over to the QiFORZE Trainings tab!

Have you taken a new group exercise class lately that you couldn't stop raving about? I would love to hear about it!! I definitely have exercise ADD and love trying new workout programs!

How are you getting your sweat on today?

In health,

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