
Monday, October 22, 2012

Cool Weather Running & Breakfast Veggie Burgers

Happy Monday!

Every Monday I think...."How can it be Monday already?" Anybody else? But here we are, facing another week and all it holds head on! Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Mondays. They are full of possibilities, opportunities, and a sense of new beginnings, but sometimes the weekends just fly by a little faster than I would like them to. But what can you do?

Nothing, so here's to another Monday friends! :)

This weekend was the calm before the storm. Next weekend is Homecoming for the Noles, and after that I am traveling every weekend except for two until Christmas. Some are for work and some are for work. I am looking forward to all the trips, but it's going to be a whirl wind.

Friday night, E and I tried out a new Mexican restaurant. The food was OK, but the patio we sat on was amazing. Right in the middle of it was a HUGE lemon tree. We were sitting directly under some of the biggest lemons you have ever seen. The waiter told us that they cut down the ripe ones every morning and use them. One was right in my water!

Saturday started out with a nice easy three mile run, then it was to the gym to teach a Booty Barre and Yoga class. Then it was home for a quick lunch and back out to run errands to get ready for E's birthday. It's on Thursday! They grow up so fast. Hahaha! E went down to Gainsville to watch The Gators play South Carolina so Champ and I were home alone for the evening and enjoyed a good girly movie.

The weather was so nice this weekend, I had to sneak in another run on Sunday too. Four easy miles. I beat Garmina so I was pretty happy about that.

Next up was the grocery store and meal prep for the week. I came across a recipe the other day on Nom Nom Paleo for Egg Foo Young-ish (spinach, egg, and coconut pancakes) that looked pretty yummy so I decided to try my hand at my own version. They come out in between a veggie burger and a pancake. The recipe made 5 good sized veggie burgers so they were perfect for this weeks....

 1 Recipe = 5 Lunches

First you need to assemble all of you ingredients.

Chop up your mushrooms and set aside. Whisk the eggs together and then add the remaining ingredients. It should form a thick cookie dough like batter.

Scoop about 1/3 cup of batter into a skillet lightly greased with coconut oil.

Cook for approximately 2-3 minutes or until it is firm enough to flip over in one piece.

They should look like extra fluffy pancakes when you are finished!

Breakfast Veggie Burger

by Lauren George
Prep Time: 5
Cook Time: 15
Keywords: fry breakfast entree gluten-free

Ingredients (5 patties)
  • 5 eggs
  • 1/2 cup diced mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup diced ham or turkey
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp Cajun seasoning
  • ground pepper to taste
  • coconut oil
Chop up mushrooms and turkey. Set aside.
Whisk eggs in a medium size bowl.
Add mushrooms, turkey, coconut flour, and seasoning to eggs.
Mix until the batter becomes fairly thick.
Heat skillet on med/high heat. Pour 1 tbsp of coconut oil into skillet.
Pour 1/3 cup worth of the mixture into the skillet and press down to spread out.
Cook for approximately 2-3 minutes and then flip. Cook for 2 minutes on the other side or until firm.
Repeat, making 4 more patties. You may need to add a little more coconut oil to the skillet if they begin to stick.
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Since my kitchen was already a mess, and I have had a killer sweet tooth lately, I decided to make Dark Chocolate GF Brownie Bites as well! Oh my gosh, these are the best things I have made in a long time. Check back in tomorrow for the recipe!

I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!

What did you do this weekend?

Did you meal prep on Sunday? If so, what did you make?

In health,

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