
Monday, October 1, 2012

Commit + Apple Turkey Frittata

Howdy Friends,

How is your week treating you so far? I started mine off right with a killer cycle class followed by a strength training class. We did glider push ups and my arms were shaking like a leaf by the end! LOVE IT! You know that feeling after an amazing strength training workout when you get in the shower, try to wash your hair, and realize that your arms are shaking too bad to hold them above your head. That's my favorite feeling! Does that make me weird?

My friend Gretchen is doing a fitness Photo-A-Day Challenge, and I am super excited to participate. Yesterday's word was COMMIT.

I was committed to making it to the lunch time cycle class because I got busy last Monday and kept working instead of going to class. :( Here is a picture of my post workout calorie burn (I took it after doing some abs so it had erased my time)! If you don't stay committed to your workout, no one will do it for you!

What are you committed to today?

I am a huge fan of making a big batch of something on Sunday and packing it for lunch all week. I have been trying to increase my protein intake lately, and I love me some eggs, so I thought a frittata would be perfect! I came across this recipe on Pinterest the other day and used it for my frittata inspiration. One of the best things about this recipe is that it didn't call for any strange ingredients.

The magic started with some amazing smelling sauteed cinnamon apples.

No frittata would be complete without some greens.

With a little swish of the whisk all of our wet ingredients blended beautifully!

Now mix it all together, and lick your lips in anticipations of the cinnamon savory goodness.

This recipe is super easy to throw together for a brunch or to eat on all week for breakfast or lunch. I reheated it yesterday for lunch, and it was absolutely amazing. The sweet cinnamon apples blend beautifully with the savory turkey and eggs. I usually like salsa with my eggs, but this dish doesn't need a thing. The only problem is I wanted to eat the entire pan it was so yummy!

Spinach and Cinnamon Apple Frittata

by Lauren George
Prep Time: 10
Cook Time: 20
Keywords: bake breakfast entree gluten-free vegetarian eggs
Ingredients (5 servings)
  • 6 oz sliced turkey or ham
  • 1 apple
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • 1 hand full of spinach
  • 8oz unflavored Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup grated cheese (I used mozzarella but you could definitely use cheddar)
  • 1 tbsp. sugar free apple sauce
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of cinnamon
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, yogurt, and cheese. Set aside.
Slice apple and turkey into small pieces.
Heat a nonstick skillet on medium high heat. Add apple sauce, apples, cinnamon, and salt. Saute until apples are soft (5-6 minutes).
Add in turkey and cook for about 1-2 minutes longer.
Pour apple and turkey mixture into wet ingredients.
While the skillet is still hot, saute spinach until wilted. Add to other ingredients.
Mix well and then pour into nonstick baking dish.
Cook for 20 minutes or until center is set.
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Let me know if you give it a try. I promise you won't be let down! I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

In health,

Lauren G.

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