
Monday, July 16, 2012

Spotlight on Magnesium


How's your Tuesday treating you so far? How did you get your sweat on yesterday? I taught a booty barre class and a Zumba class. I also busted out 100 push ups throughout the day. I am bringing back the saying drop and gimme 15! :)

E had to work late today, so it was breakfast for dinner for me! I wanted to make an egg white veggie omelet, but it turned into an egg white veggie pile! It started out all good....

Then things got a little sticky! I tried to fold the omelet in half, and all h*** broke loose. :)

You can see the steam coming off of this veggie goodness! Even though it turned into a veggie egg white mess, it was still delicious! I rounded out my meal with a Van's Apple Cinnamon Gluten-Free waffle topped with PB2!

Today, I want to talk about magnesium. Hold up, before you click out ofthis page,  give me two seconds.Magnesium is an amazing mineral that does some really important things for ourbodies. A lot of times, when we think of vitamins and minerals our bodies needto function, we think of your typical Vitamins C, A, D, E & K, plus calcium, potassium,and iron. Show of electronic hands, who knows what magnesium is responsiblefor? Probably not very many hands, but not to worry, I didn’t either until Idid a little research.

  • Helps to form tooth enamel, which helps prevent cavities!
  • Improves bone integrity and strength.
  • Helps convert carbohydrates, protein, and fats into the energy we needto tackle our crazy to-do list.
  • Helps to make protein and genetic material for your cells.
  • Helps regulate nerve signals, muscle contraction and relaxation, andthe rhythm of your heart beat (very important).
  • Helps to reduce homocysteine levels, which can lower your risk ofstroke, heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, and many otherdegenerative diseases.
  • Helps strengthen your immune system.
  • Improves your sleep.
  • Helps you build bigger stronger muscles.
  • Improves your flexibility.
  • Alkalizes the body, and helps reduces lactic acid buildup.
  • Hydrates – Magnesium is a necessary electrolyte which is essential forproper hydration.
  • Helps keep everything regular (if you know what I mean).
  • Enzyme Function- Enzymes stimulate almost every chemical reaction inthe human body, and magnesium is required to make hundreds of these enzymeswork and assists with thousands of others.
  • Enhances insulin secretion, which facilitates sugar metabolism. Withoutthis miracle mineral, glucose is not able to transfer into cells. Glucose andinsulin can then build up in the blood, causing various types of tissue damage.

 Convinced yet? Hopefully so! Now, how can we make sure we are gettingenough magnesium in our diet? The recommended Daily Value (DV) of magnesium for adult men is 420mg,and 320mg for women.


Some excellent sources of magnesium include:

Pumpkin seeds – A ¼ cup serving provides 185mg, which is 46% of the DV.

Almonds- 156mg (2oz serving)

Cashews – 148mg (2oz serving)

Whole grain Barley – 158mg (1 cup)

Oat bran – 221mg (1 cup)

Whole wheat flour – 166 mg (1 cup)

Black beans – 120mg (1 cup)

Avocado, Florida – 104mg (1 med)

Broccoli, frozen – 37mg (1 cup)

Okra – 94mg (1 cup)

Seaweed, kelp – 121mg (3.5oz)

Seaweed, Spirulina – 195mg (3.5oz

Soybeans – 108mg (1 cup)

Spinach, canned – 163 mg (1 cup)

Swiss Chard – 150mg (1 cup)

Millet – 106mg (1 cup)

Quinoa – 178mg (1 cup)

Oatmeal – 112mg (1 cup)

Halibut, broiled – 91mg (3oz)

Oysters – 49mg (30z)

Thisis just a few of the foods that contain magnesium. For a more complete list,click here.


How did you get your sweat on today?

What is your favorite breakfast for dinner meal?

In health,

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