
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Healthify your 4th of July + 80's Cycle Workout!

Happy 4th of July!!

How are you celebrating our wonderful country's Independence Day? Since it's on a Wednesday, it definitely makes celebrating a bit difficult. I am going to teach a Zumba class and do a little work in the morning, then head home to hang out with the hubby in the afternoon! Even though we won't be doing anything crazy, I am still looking forward to celebrating such an important day in our country's history. I feel so blessed to live in the best country in the world! I also want to thank the men in women who fight each and every day for our freedom and all those that have served in the past. America would not be what it is today without your selfless sacrifice.

Just because it's a holiday, doesn't mean you have to kiss your healthy habits goodbye. Remember these tips and you'll have a happy & healthy 4th of July.
  • Move early - Before you head to the lake, beach, or family BBQ, get in a quick workout! See the 80's cycle workout below for an awesome way to burn mega calories while jamming to some 80's classics.
  • Sip Wisely - Remember that liquid calories count! Limit your alcoholic beverages and definitely avoid drinks that are loaded with sugar such a pina coladas, margaritas, and sugary bottled drinks like Smirnoff Ice. Also, beers add up. If you figure that each bottle of beer has around 100 calories, and you drink 5 beers throughout the day, that adds up to over 500 extra calories.
  • Fill Up With Color - Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables first before you dive into the chips, hot dogs, and dessert.
  • Keep It Simple - Dishes with less ingredients are often closer to their natural state and usually safer. For example, fruit salad is a better choice than pasta salad, and a corn and bean salad is probably better than most casseroles.
  • Go Bunless - You can save a lot of calories and unhealthy carbs (in the form of simple carbohydrates) if you eat your hot dogs or hamburgers sans bun. You can enjoy them topped with your favorite toppings or wrapped in lettuce.
  • Come Prepared - Bring a healthy dish with you so you know you have something nourishing to nosh on.
Some of my favorite dishes to take with me to parties include:

Let me know if you try any of these out!

Tuesday is my day-O-sweat. Even more so than a normal day. I taught a boot camp class at 6am, and Piloxing class at 8am, a cycle class at noon, a core class at 5pm, and a Pilates Reformer class at 5:30pm. Fun, Fun and more Fun!! :)

I was feeling the need to change up my normal cycle playlist so I decided to go with some Old School favorites! Click on the workout to enlarge and print.

If you teach cycle, this is a 50 minute ride complete with hills, sprints, and a few flats. I also played a name that song game with my class. The first person to name the song got a point, and the winner got a prize! It was a fun way to keep the class engaged.

This would also be a great workout to print and take with you to the gym for an intense pre 4th of July BBQ workout! I hope you love it!

And now, I must leave you with a picture that makes me smile every time I see it!


Is he not too cute? I hope you have an AMAZING 4th of July!

How did you celebrate the 4th of July?

Did you make a fabulous healthy dish you want to share? Link up below!

In health,

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