
Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy HIIT Workout Friday!

Happy Friday!!

How are you today? Yay for Friday! This little guy really wanted to join me in a workout today!

My morning started off right with a strength training class, followed by a yummy green protein smoothie, and then some Zumba!

Today, was my last Friday lunchtime Zumba class. :( We will be on our way to Kansas next Friday for E's cousin's wedding, and then we are Tallahassee bound. I can't believe the move is almost here. Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic! Sorry about that, I just needed to remind myself not to panic. Moving is always a little stressful for me, but this one is definitely taking it to the next level! :)

One great thing about the move is I will be reunited with this guy again!

He's been hanging out with E's parents over the past few weeks while we try to sell our house. I miss him so much!!

What are your workout plans for this weekend? Since I live at the gym during the week (can't help it since I work there), I like to workout at home on the weekends. It's WAY too hot outside to go for a long run, so I love quick HIIT workouts to get my blood pumping. This workout doesn't require any equipment and can take as little as 15 minutes. If you have a little bit longer, repeat the entire circuit 4x's instead of 2 for 30 minutes of sweaty, calorie torching, muscle building fun!!

Let me know if you give this workout a try, and I hope you have an amazing weekend!!

Do you head to the gym on the weekends, hit the pavement, or sweat it up at your home?

In health,

1 comment:

  1. Def love the suggestions you have on this site. 2 questions I did have which alot of people seem a little hesitant about answering questions about are 1) what is your opinion in regards to ingestable hemp in accordance to it improving your immune system and general health as I've read it improves memory and health? (2) And for guys 30+ looking to increase their testosterone is there a praticular brand or supplement out on the market that has better results than others?

    FYI I love your 15 minute HIIT plan! Thank you!


I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment below.