
Monday, April 23, 2012

Soundtrack to life!

Howdy Friends!
How was your Monday? Mine was pretty fantastic. I was still feeling a little under the weather, but both of my classes rocked the house so that pretty much made my day. Piloxing was fantastic, and I had so much fun in Zumba I thought I was going to float right off the ground. By the end of the class, I was absolutely dripping in sweat and my arms and legs both felt like noodles. My class sure knows how to party! This song got us all rocking!!

Since I had music on the brain, I came home and got to work on my next cycle playlist. I think the right music can totally make or break a cycle class. This workout is full of high energy songs that are sure to keep you going. Even if you don't teach cycle, you can take this workout with you to the gym and do it on a bike yourself!
Let me know if you try it out! I hope you like it!

The sun is out in full force around here and Champ is soaking it up every chance he gets! We definitely need to find him some doggie sunglasses so he can stop squinitng. Anyone know where I can find some? :)

My sweet hubby surprised me with these beauties the other day. Stargazer lillies are my absolute favorite and they just scream Spring to me. Our entire house smells amazing right now!

Love them!! Aren't they breathtaking?
What song is on repeat on your iPod right now?
In health,

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