
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Partying on What I Ate Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!

How is everyone today? Did all of my Dallas/Fort Worth friends survive the crazy tornadoes yesterday? Where I live and work was not harmed, but there was a lot of damage in the surrounding area. I am sending lots of prayers to those affected.  I'm sure any extra prayers would be greatly appreciated!
On a positive note, I taught my first reformer jump board class last night and had a blast. If you've never tried a jump board class before, check out this video to see what one looks like. Mine is set to music so we get down! :)

On another positive note, someone got new kicks around here. Yep, that would be me. My old teaching shoes were looking pretty rough, and E and I just happened to be at Dick's Sporting Goods the other day when these little beauties just jumped right into my arms.

I'm a little bit totally in love!! They are just so bright and cheery!

So I don't usually participate in Peas and Crayons What I Ate Wednesday (even though I think she's fabulous) because I eat almost the same thing every day, but I thought it might be fun to share! Especially since she is challenging everyone to eat an extra serving of veggies every day in April! I think I definitely accomplished that yesterday!

Breakfast was a Peach Banana Green Smoothie.

My morning snack is usually two boiled eggs, followed by a salad, piece of fruit, and a Chobani Champions yogurt for lunch. My new favorite snack is low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 a stevia and a blob of peanut butter! Nothing fancy, but it keeps me going and my tummy happy!

It was pasta night yesterday in the George house, so I made E regular pasta and I whipped up some broccoli slaw and marinara sauce. It's super easy (just dump one bag of broccoli slaw and 1/3 cup water in a skillet and cover for 8 minutes), and a great way to get in more veggies!

Now you know why I don't bore you with what I eat every day, but it's fun every once in a while!

What was your favorite thing you ate yesterday?

Do you change it up every day or stick with the same thing?
In health,

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