
Monday, April 30, 2012

Foodie Pen Pals Reveal

It's Foodie Pen Pal Reveal Day and I am so excited!

The Lean Green Bean

I was so pumped to participate in this program put on by Lindsey at The Lean Green Bean! Every month you get paired up with a fellow blogger, send them some of your favorite goodies, and a different blogger sends you some of their top goodies. I love trying new healthy treats, and what better way than the meet a new blogger and learn about their favorite things!

My Pen Pal for this month was Laura from the Odd Duck! The neat thing about getting Laura as my Pen Pal, minus learning about her awesome blog, is that she is from Fort Worth which is right next door to Dallas. How weird is it that we got paired up out of hundreds of bloggers and we're practically neighbors! :) Check out the loot she sent me!

I've already eaten both Larabars and the almond butter. The maple almond butter is my new favorite thing!! I also LOVED the tropical fruit Larabar. I had never tried it before, and now I"m in love! I am excited to make Mexican Chicken this week with the Renfro's salsa. I haven't whipped up the falafel mix, but I"m excited to try!

Thank you so much Laura for the awesome goodie box!!! It was so fun to try new things.

If you have never participated in the Foodie Pen Pal program, you totally should give it a try! Lindsey is a master organizer and takes care of everything!! She truly is amazing!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

In health,

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