
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A to Z and Me

Happy Hump Day!

Who needs a good laugh to start their hump day off right? I do! Ok, here you go!


Is that not the cutest thing ever??? LOVE IT!! :)

So some of you might have seen the A to Z survey created by Janetha that has been floating around the healthy living blog world lately. I decided it was too fun not to participate in! Here it goes:

A is for age: 24

B is for breakfast today: Egg whites and gluten free toast with peanut butter and half a banana

C is for currently craving: coffee frozen yogurt (that is pretty much a constant craving)

D is for dinner tonight: a salad from Jason’s Deli (that’s my go to meal when E is out of town for work)

E is for favorite type of exercise: barre classes, Pilates, or running (Sorry, it’s a tie!)

F is for an irrational fear:  Fire! I’m absolutely terrified of fire! L

G is for gross food: Chicken Spaghetti – I think it is some kind of mental block, but I can’t stand the taste or texture!

H is for hometown: College Station, TX aka Aggieland


I is for something important: God, family, & friends – Really what else is there?

J is for current favorite jam: blackberry I really thought for 2 seconds it meant jam like for toast. Let me try that again…. I’m loving Descontrol by Daddy Yankee

K is for kids: none, sadly

L is for current location: Dallas, TX aka Big D

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Groceries. I went shopping at 7:00am on Sunday morning to get it out of the way before the busy day ahead. Let me tell you, it was amazing! No one was in the store. I flew through my list in no time!

N is for something you need: Time to rest. I feel like I always fill my rest times with things on my to-do list.

O is for occupation: Group Exercise Coordinator, fitness instructor, and Pilates trainer

Yep, that's what I do all day! Dress up in 80's clothes and jump around like a mad woman.
Ok, so maybe I don't dress like that every day, but I would if I could!

P is for pet peeve: When people are late.

Q is for a quote: “Life’s a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Don’t worry ‘bout what you don’t know. Life’s a dance, you learn as you go!” – John Michael Montgomery

R is for random fact about you: Watermelon is my all time favorite food!!

S is for favorite healthy snack: Peanut butter and banana

T is for favorite treat: Coffee Fozen Yogurt!!!! I’m drooling just thinking about it!

U is for something that makes you unique: I am peppier at 5am than I am at 5pm, and by 10pm I'm a grandmother in bed and worthless! :)

V is for favorite vegetable: Zuchinni

W is for today’s workout: Today I taught Piloxing, cycle and a core express class. I also practiced some new barre choreography! J Sweaty and happy!

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Kneecap- I broke my kneecap doing a back handspring in high school 2 days before cheerleading tryouts. I tried out on one leg, and with God’s help, still made the team! Sacrum (lower back) – I got a stress fracture from running too much while teaching a ton of high impact classes. Moral of the story – listen to your body!

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Teaching my amazing participants at noon. My Monday Piloxing class always has a ton of energy and starts my week off right!

Z is for your time zone: Central Standard Time

Now you know me a little bit better! Can you pick one letter and tell me what the answer would be for you??

Check out this cool read: Top 10 U.S. Cities for Well-Being. Do you live in one of these? If so, tell me why you think it's so fantastic!
In health,

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