
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friday Pinterest Roundup

Happy Friday!!

Wooohooo! It's Friday! What do you have planned this weekend? I am going to teach Zumba, hang out with my hubby, and celebrate 3 friends birthday's! Sounds like a pretty fantastic weekend to me!

We all love Pinterest, so I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite fitness related pins from this week! Ok, so the first one is not fitness related at all, but it's my all time favorite picture I've ever seen on Pinterest and I thought we could all use a good laugh!

Did you just crack up or what? :) Ok, so on to the fitness related material! Words to live by:


I thought this one was so interesting!


Sometimes we all need a little extra UMPH!


Face it, we all get tired of squats and lunges at some point! Throw these handy exercises into your next Lean Legs March workout!


Lastly, an inspiring thought to carry with you into the weekend.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Sweat a little, rest a lot, laugh a ton, and enjoy!

In health,

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