
Friday, February 24, 2012

Time To Fuel Up!

Well Hello There!

Happy Happy Friday!! Woohoooo, I'm so excited to have a weekend again. If you count workshops, I have worked 25 days in a row! I'm really not complaining. I was blessed to get to host an increadible workshop at our facility two weeks ago, and then last weekend I attended a fabulous Pilates workshop all weekend. Although, my brain is zapped I learned a ton!

On Wednesday, the Fitness Fairy (aka the postman) dropped off this little beauty at my door.

Meet the new Nike+ FuelBand. This was my birthday present from my wonderful in-laws. They were not released until Wednesday, so I had to wait patiently until it arrived! The FuelBand tracks your activity through a "sport-tested accelerometer and then translates every move into Nike Fuel (from thier website)." In other words, it tracks your steps, activity, and uses information you input about your height, weight, and activity level online to calculate your calorie expenditure! My first full day to wear it was yesterday and here are my totals for the day!

It's so neat to be able to see your steps, calories burned, and fuel points right on your writst. There is an awesome website and iPhone app that accompany the watch. You can synch your FuelBand to your iPhone to download all of your information instantly! Talk about on-the-spot motivation. Here are my numbers so far today! I upped my goal to 6,000 Fuel Points for today, and already met it! Yipppeeee!

The bottom picture is a snapshot of the screen that shows you at what time of the day you were the most active. The red part is when I was sleeping, and the large spike is when I was teaching Zumba. As you can imagaine, there was quite a bit of moving going on then! :) It's pretty safe to say, I LOVE my no fitness gizmo!

I'm off to finish cleaning the kitchen and getting ready for dinner! Looks like someone has already started his lazy weekend. He loves his heater!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Have you heard of the Nike+ Fuelband? Do you have one?

What are you up to this weekend?

In health,

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