
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Little Valentine's Day Laugh For You!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Do you have any big plans for this evening? We are keeping it low key around here. This is officially E's busy season at work, and between the Booty Barre training last weekend and the Pilates Certification I have coming up this weekend, I'm running around like mad.

The Booty Barre certification was an absolute blast last weekend. My booty is officially still sore, and I love it. Tracey Mallet was one of the best presenters I've ever had the opportunity of learning from, and has created an amazing program with Booty Barre. If you are an instructor, and are considering doing a barre certification, I would recommend this one hands down. She doesn't just teach you the exercises, but the why behind every exercise. The program is wonderfully structured and is put together to give students the safest and most efficient workout possible. Did I mention it is a blast as well?

Definitely not the best picture in the world of me, but hey you can only look so good sweaty! Hahaha :)

So on to the Valentine's day laugh. Did anyone see Sophia Grace & Rosie on Ellen? They are two little British girls who Ellen sent to the Grammy's to do interviews on the Red Carpet. Oh my goodness, they are too funny for words. I've already watched the video a few times because I couldn't stop cracking up! Check it out.

Alrighty, I'm off to finish whipping up our Valentine's dinner! I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day!

In health,

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