
Monday, January 23, 2012

Where did the weekend go?

Happy Monday!

I can't believe it is already Monday! I feel like the weekend just flew by at lightening speed? How was your weekend?


On Friday night, we went to dinner with my wonderful friend Jenny and her boyfriend. We ate delicious Mexican food and had a great time catching up! Saturday morning, I woke up and headed to the gym to practice my Pilates teaching skills on my friend Katie and then workout myself! The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out with E and experimenting with a recipe from Pinterest. Have you seen these bad boys floating around Pinterest?
E had a work party to go to on Saturday night, so I decided to try my hand at this recipe. This definitely falls into the fabulous category of the blog, and not necessarily the "fit." :) They were actually not too hard to make at all, and E said they were really good. Mine did not turn out nearly as pretty as hers. I made the mistake of drizzling the chocolate on top before cutting them into squares. By the time I went to cut them the chocolate had hardened and ended up looking like a mess. Oh well, everyone still said they tasted good!

Sunday, was full of flag football and grilling! It was unseasonably warm here so I rocked my team t-shirt!

When we got home from football, E whipped up a delicious dinner! He grilled me an amazing piece of tilapia, some corn on the cob, and sausage for himself.

We ended the night with some more football! I can't believe it's almost time for the Super Bowl! I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!

How was your weekend?

In health,

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