
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm a runner.


How are you today?

Are you a runner? Has anyone ever asked you why your run, or tried to convince you that you shouldn't?

I'm a runner, and I'm proud of it. I may have flat feet, one leg that's longer than the other, bad knees, and a couple of stress fractures, but you know what? I don't care. I'm going to run until my body won't let me run any more. I love to run!

I love the feeling of waking up early and greeting the sun as it rises in the sky
I love the feeling of peace I feel when I'm running around the lake by my house.
I love saying hi to other runners as we pass each other on the trail.
I love running so early that other runners don't say hi because it would sound too loud against the quite of the morning.

I love how strong my legs are from miles of pounding the pavement.
I love the soreness I feel after a good long run.


I love the surge of energy I get when my favorite song comes on my iPod.
I love the camaraderie at races, and the encouraging words of veteran runners as they pass you by.
I love running clothes, running shoes, and all the other fun gear that goes with it.
I love that 5 years ago I could barely run 3 miles straight, and now I can run 14 for fun.

I love the high you have for the rest of the day after a great run.
I love the accomplishment you feel after a race.
I love following a training plan and crossing each run off my schedule.

I love how running clears my head and leads me to great ideas.
I love that I can run anywhere, anytime, not matter what.
I love that running is my me time.
Most importantly, I love to run because I'm a runner and without it something would always be missing.


Why do you run?

In health,

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