
Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'M BACK! + Running and Pancake Goodness!

Howdy Everyone,

After a month hiatus, a million papers, 1 thesis paper, and three finals (1 still to go), I finally have time to blog again without losing my mind. I can't tell you how much I have missed you guys and the whole blogging world! I feel like I learn so much from reading other blogs and sharing my experiences on this blog that it's been hard to take a break, but I was stretching myself way to thin between school, work, blogging, friends and of course E! Anyways, I'm glad to be back!

Even though I have been neglecting my blogging duties, I have sill managed to squeeze in some training. I am currently training for the CowTown Marathon.

Yep, I'm going for the full sha-bang! Am I nervous? He** yes! The last two times I trained for a full marathon I ended up with a stress fracture, but I am determined to train the right way and listen to my body this time. I am following a training plan that has me running 3 days a week - 1 easy run, 1 tempo run, and 1 long run. This weeks long run was a 12 miler. The weather was a little chilly (34 degrees), but not too terrible. I live a little over 1.5 miles away from White Rock Lake, so I ran over to the lake, ran all the way around (9 miles), and then ran back. It ended up being 12.5 miles.

I finished the 12.5 miles in 1:57, and I even beat Garmina (aka my goal pace) by 1 minute 58 seconds! Whoot Whoot! It was a great run, and I feel ready to take on 14 miles (my longest run to date) next weekend! :)

Yesterday was also full of Christmas shopping, lunch with a friend, Cajun food for dinner (yummmm), and a movie night. We saw Margin Call which was about the 2008 financial crisis. I would not suggest it. It was pretty anti-climatic and a tad boring. :(

I had to wake up early this morning to take my second to last final online, and then it was time to feast on protein oatmeal pancakes!

They are so easy to make, healthy and delicious!

1/3 cup whole oats (ground up in a food processor)
1 tablespoon vanilla protein powder (optional)
2 egg whites
1 packet stevia sweetener
pinch of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
2 tablespoons almond milk or milk of choice (may want to add more depending on how thin you like your batter)

1. Grind up oats in the food processor. If you don't have a food processor, whole wheat pastry flour will work instead of oats.
2. Mix all ingredients together.
3. Cook in a skillet covered in non-stick cooking spray.
4. Top with the fruit of your choice and ENJOY!

I'm off to finish laundry and go grocery shopping! I'm hoping to try out some fun new recipes compliments of Pinterest this week! :)

How was your weekend?

What is your favorite thing to make during the Holiday's?

In health,

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