
Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend O' Fun!

Howdy Everyone,

How was your weekend? I apologize for my sporadic posting last week. Taking 12 hours of grad school, working full time and trying to keep up with a new puppy is pretty time consuming!! I might not be making my 5 posts a week every week for the next couple of months until I finaly graduate! I can't wait!!

We had one busy weekend! On Friday night Eric, decided it was time for Champ to test out his new bath tub! He out grew the little blue bucket pretty quickly.

He wasn't the biggest fan, but he handled it pretty well until he rolled in the grass litterally as soon as he got out so he had to go back for seconds. :) After bathtime, E and I tried out a new German restaurant one of my collegues suggested called Henks. They serve authentic German food and have a ridiculous bakery! I went with the Hungarian grilled chicken, potato cakes (which were kind of like seasoned hashbrowns), and a side salad. The potato cakes probably don't qualify as healthy, but they were dang good!

If you live in Dallas, I would definitley suggest this place! Don't you love how my chicken looks like a little heart?

Saturday morning, my friend Katie and I tackled an 8 mile long run around the lake. It was absolutely gorgeous outside and the lake was packed! There were more people running and biking on Saturday morning than I've seen in a long time. On Saturday night, Eric and I tried out yet another new restaurant (we were apparently feeling very adventurous this weekend) Dodie's. It was cajun food, and it was amazing. I ordered blacked tilapia fish tacos and they were probably the best fish tacos I have ever had. They came on little corn tortillas with lettuce and cabbage. They were so fresh tasting, and not the least bit fishy! It also came with a side of jubalaya, but the tacos were so filling I could barely find room for it.

Sunday was full of shopping and Top Golf! Disclaimer - I had only swung a golf club once in my life before Sunday, so please do not analyze my form! Even though I'm pretty terrible, we had a great time!

It was also a big day for E because he got a brand new big boy grill! This thing is huge. The label says it can cook up to 41 hamburgers at one time! Bring on the game day parties!

He used his shiny new toy to grill me up a portobello mushroom for dinner. I topped this bad boy with some homemade guacamole and served it with a yummy sweet potato. Coud you think of a better way to end a weekend? I can........ eating this beauty while watching the Dallas Cowboys!

There was also quite a bit of homework involved in this weekend. :( Hahaha oh well. I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!

How was your weekend?

What was the best thing you ate?

I health,

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