
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Take Five!

Hello everyone!

How are you today??

Today's sweat sessions included teaching a kickboxing & barre class, a spin class and a core class, then running 3.5 miles on the treadmill. Sweaty and glorious!

Today was one of those days at work that can make you frazzled pretty quickly. I had back to back meetings and classes and an ever growing to-do list. I love my job, but even the best job can get stressful from time to time.

At one point today I as trying to shovel down lunch, listen to a voicemail, and type an e-mail all at the same time. I could feel my shoulders starting to tense up as I sat there multitasking to the max! Not good! It's times like these you just need to take five to relax. What better way to reduce stress and relieve tension than having a good laugh!! Next time you are feeling a little overwhelmed, pull up one of these videos and let the stress just melt away!

This baby has the cutest laugh! You seriously won't be able to resist laughing along with him!

You might want to close your office door so your boss doesn't hear you cracking up at this one!

This little guy can't get much cuter!

I hope one of these made you laugh or at least smile! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Q's and A's
What do you do to destress when life gets overwhelming?

In health,

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