
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Next Step


How are you today? Is your week getting off to a good start?

Being a parent to a new puppy is slightly exhausting. I am proud to say that the little man only woke us up once on his first night home and has only had one accident. We are kennel training him, and so far he is doing really well. Walking on the other hand is a different story. He still doesn't really get that you are supposed to walk in a semi-straight line when you are on a leash, but I think that will come with time. He likes to take off at a dead sprint and then cut you off so you almost face plant right over him. This makes walking anywhere at a decent speed pretty tough. He is a very sweet boy, and E and I are loving every minute of it.

I am so excited to start training for my next 1/2 marathon!! I have picked the Inaugural 13.1 Half Marathon as my first race of the season.

The 13.1 half marathon's claim to fame is that it is the only half marathon in Dallas to start and end in downtown. We will be running through some pretty cool neighborhoods and right through the heart of downtown. The race takes place on October 22nd, so the weather will be perfect! They are also handing out pretty sweet looking t-shirts, which is always a bonus.

I started my training plan today with an easy 3 mile run on the treadmill. It is still ridiculously hot outside so I have a feeling the first bit of my training will have to take place on Mr. treadmill. Ugh!! It's just too darn hot outside! Oh well, I am super excited to start training for something again. I love teaching classes and taking classes from other instructors, but it's just not the same as heading out for a nice long run. It is such an amazing stress reliever, and it gives you a wonderful sense of accomplishment. I will be back tomorrow with more details about the training plan!

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

Q's and A's:
Have you picked out any fall races to train for yet?
If so, which ones?

In health,

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