
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Get Ready To Rock!

Happy  Thursday!

How are you today? I want to start this post by sending out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little brother (although his almost taller than me) brother Bryan! He's the handsome red head in the picture below. Happy Birthday Bryan! I love you! :) 

Thank you for all of you encouraging words regarding parenting a baby pup! I need all the help I can get. Yesterday, I took my final in my summer school class so E and Champ took me to TCBY to celebrate. It's only about 1/2 a mile away so we decided to walk over there and back. After many stops to sniff foreign objects and watch cars drive by, we finally made it. We got Champ a little glass of water which he enjoyed eating rather than drinking, but whatever makes him happy!

I told you on Tuesday that I had a blast in cycle with a great new playlist! I did my training run to the same playlist this morning, and it really pumped me up. Good music is so incredibly motivating. This playlist has a little old, a little new and a lot of fun! Check it out:

I hope you love it! I'm off to finish choreographing my Dance Cardio Party Class for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

What song are you jamming out to right now?

In health,

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