
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dallas Mania Recap!

Hello Friends!!

That's what this weekend was all about friends, fitness and fun!! On Thursday night, I had my boss from A&M and two other former colleagues over for dinner and we had the best time catching up and swapping fitness and life stories!! I also made an amazing eggplant and turkey sausage linguine that turned out deliciously (is that a word?). I will be sharing that recipe later in the week. It was so good to see them and talk about everything that is happening in the fitness industry!!  A little later on in the evening, two girl I used to teach with at UNT, Sam and Kristen, arrived to spend the weekend with me! Even though it's only been a few month since I left UNT, I miss these girls like crazy! We turned in pretty early since our first session was at 7:30am on Friday morning.

My first two sessions on Friday were group exercise management lectures and they were fantastic! Next, I took an amazing step class by one of my favorite presenters, Gay Gasper! I wish I could take her class every week! After step, I was off to a strength circuit class that my chest is still sore from. Spider man pushups into side plank elbow to knee crunch will do you in quickly! :) Then it was off to another lecture about upcoming fitness trends. I finished off a wonderful day with a wonderful step class taught by Deborah Puskarich. Gay and Deborah are pretty much the step queens, so getting to take a class from both of them on the same day is like Christmas, my birthday, and New Years all wrapped into one!! :) I was so excited to be at Mania and to catch up with old friends, that I totally forgot to take pictures! I know, what kind of blogger am I? Thank you Lizy for this picture!

We were pretty dang pooped after day one, so the girls and I grabbed a quick bit to eat, including TCBY frozen yogurt of course, and then headed home. I passed out literally before my head hit the pillow! I kicked off Saturday morning with another killer step class called Step Layer Cake. This instructor was killer at breaking down complicated combos! After that, I headed over to the cycle room for a ride with my all time favorite cycle instructor, Julz Arney!! Julz could put you on a bike and make you ride for 15 hours and you would love every second of it.

All of my beautiful Aggie ladies waiting to go into class!

All of the Aggies plus our adopted Aggie, Julz!!
I was so sweaty after this class it was quite disgusting! I continued the fun with a lecture titled Women, Weights & Results. This lecture was so informative! Dr. Josephson broke things down in a way that was super easy to understand and very easy to apply to your everyday training plan. I'll share more on this later! After the lecture, things go serious! I went to a new class called Piloxing and almost lost my mind I had so much fun!! Literally, I think the smile on my face during class stretched from California to New York! I can't wait to get certified in October so I can bring this fun, sexy, powerful class to my gym! Watch out Dallas Piloxing is coming! :)

The Saturday night of Dallas Mania is always the Aggie instructor reunion. We pretty much take over half of a restaurant in downtown and spend the entire night chatting and catching up! It's definitely one of the highlights of the conference!

Sunday started even earlier than Friday and Saturday at 7:00am. I loved Dr. Josephson's lecture so much on Saturday, that I signed up for his talk on Eating For Energy & Performance. He did not disappoint and I will be sure to share what I learned in this lecture with you as well! After the lecture, I went to another inspiring cycle class and left equally sweaty as Saturday's class! Next was a much needed yoga inspired class. It was called Full-Body Flexibility; Yoga Inspired Stretch. It was kind of like yoga meets athletic stretching. It was really really neat! I ended the conference on a fun note with a dance class with Deborah P. It was a combination of old school high low and hip hop. So much fun!!

Overall, the weekend was absolutely amazing! I walked away with a ton of new ideas, new friends, and got to see some of my best friends in the whole world that are now spread out all over the state of Texas. No matter how far away from each other life takes us, we will always have our love for fitness and this amazing conference to bring us back together. I love all my Aggie Instructors!! :)

In health,

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