
Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Newest Addition!

Happy Friday!!

E and I have some big news!! We decided on Wednesday to adopt the cutest baby boy you have ever seen!

How precious is he?? He is a mixture between a Border collie and a Rhodesian ridgeback. One of our friends dog had 10 puppies, and she was sweet enough to let us make this little guy a part of our family. Ever since I saw the movie Babe, I have loved border collies. We are beyond excited and cannot wait until next weekend when we get to pick him up! We haven't quite settled on a name yet, so I am open for any suggestions!!

Don't you just want to cuddle with him?? I know I sure do! I will have a full update once we bring him home next Sunday!

I rocked the salad challenge for lunch and dinner today. I was at an all day training for work, and they fed us lunch. Luckily, salad was one of the options. They only had two salads to choose from - grilled salmon ceasar salad or a grilled chicken ceasar salad. I went with the grilled salmon, ditched the croutons, and tried to keep the dressing to a bare minimum. Overall, it was ok.

After the seminar, I headed back over to the gym for a much needed sweat session. I didn't have much time so pounded out 30 minutes on the stair master and 15 minutes on one of the spin bikes in the cycle room. On the bike, I alternated between a 1 minute seated climb and a 1 minute standing climb. Do that for 15 minutes, and let me know how your legs feel. I'll tell you what, mine were talking! When I ran out of sweat, my friend Kelli and I met up at Jason's Deli for round two of veggie fest and some much needed catching up! The salad choices were endless here. I think I met my veggie quota for the entire week today! Not a bad thing. Can you tell I was VERY hungry? :)

Alrighty guys, I'm off to bed. I have a big day tomorrow. Training all day and then I am driving down to Galveston to see some of my wonderful friends from A&M and my old boss who is like my second mom and best friend all rolled into one! I am so excited I can't wait!!

Q's and A's:
Any name suggestions for the little guy?
What are you up to this weekend?

In health,

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