
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meal Planning At Its Finest!


How are you today?? Did you have a nice Monday?

It was a pretty busy Monday for me; full of teaching and work! I have shared with you many times how much I love packing my lunch. Knowing that I have nutritious food to fuel my busy day is very comforting and keeps me energized no matter how many classes I'm teaching. People always ask me how I have enough time to pack my lunch every morning, especially on days when I have to be at work at 6:00am. I always give them the same answer, "it just takes a little bit of planning on the weekends."

I try to plan out all of my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners on Sunday and then head to the grocery store to load up on supplies. In the July issue of Clean Eating Magazine they featured numerous mouth watering pasta salad recipes that looked extremely delicious. They inspired me to create a summer veggie pasta salad of my own.

Before I went to the grocery store, I took stock of what was already in my fridge. I had about a cup of black beans left over from fajita night, 2 cups of soy beans from a sushi dinner, and a ton of carrots I needed to use up before they went bad. Ok, 3 ingredients down, what's else should I add?

I came across Spelt pasta the other day at Whole Foods and decided to give it a try.

It was really delicious! The spelt pasta held its shape really well and tasted great.

After I took into account what I already had on hand, it was time to hit the aisles of the grocery store for some more inspiration. Here is my final ingredients list.

- 1 box or 4 servings spelt pasta
- 1 cup black beans (rinsed and drained)
- 1 can golden corn (rinsed and drained)
- 2 cups soy beans (cooked and cooled)
- 1 cup chopped carrots
- 1/4 cup feta cheese
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- pepper to taste

1) Cook pasta and allow to cool completely.
2) Rinse and drain corn and black beans, then mix with pasta.
3) Mix in soy beans, carrots, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic powder, and pepper.
4) Sprinkle feta on top.

Look at all those yummy colors! This pasta gets even more delicious over night as it soaks in its own yumminess! After the pasta was all mixed, I divided it evenly between 5 containers for 5 grab-n-go lunches!

Now, all I have to do in the morning is grab a pasta salad container and a yogurt for dessert, and I am set to go! What is your go-to lunch of choice?

I am off to work on some choreography for tomorrow's classes. I am so excited to try out some new moves on my wonderful students!

This was too good not to share: Yoga Sequence To Relieve Tension Headaches
As a chronic headache sufferer, I am always looking for natural ways to ease the wrench that is clamped down on my head. Ugh! This sequence may not cure every migraine, but it sure feels good when you feel a headache starting to tighten in on your head. :) Let me know if you try it out!

Q's and A's:
What is your go to lunch of choice?
Do you suffer from headaches? Any natural ways to ease the pain?

In health,

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