
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lunch Box Love! :)


How are you this Thursday? Can you believe how fast the week is flying by? I guess that's what a Monday off will do to you. I think all weeks should only be four days! :) Have you squeezed in a sweat session yet today? I taught a Hip Hop class this morning and then took a cycle class from one of my favorite instructors at noon. I think I'm still sweating 5 hours later!

I am a huge fan of taking my lunch with me to work, school, or wherever I'm going for the day! I like being able to plan ahead and know that I have nutritious meals on hand whenever I need them. Some days I even eat breakfast, lunch and dinner out of my little lunch box! Yesterday happened to be one of those days. I got to work at 7:30am and then headed straight to school from work, not to return home until 11:00pm, so all three meals had to be packed for the road! Step number one for packing healthy happy lunches is to find a cute lunch box that makes you smile. This one was given to me by my good friend and fellow fitness instructor, Kristen. Thanks girl!! :)

I like to start my day off with a protein packed breakfast. Yesterday morning, I was really craving breakfast tacos so that is precisely what I made. I took my favorite whole wheat 50 calories a piece tortillas and wrapped them around some scrambled egg whites. I simply wrapped them in foil as soon as the eggs were finished to lock in a little bit of heat. I also grabbed a bunch of grapes to go with my tacos. Who needs fast food breakfast when you can make your own healthy version for a fraction of the cost and calories?

One of my favorite easy to pack lunches consists of a Morningstar black bean burger on a piece of sprouted grain bread. I also packed a low-carb yogurt, baby carrots, and a delicious juicy peach! I know you're not suppose to eat at your desk, but sometimes you just can't help it!

Next, I was off to school. My class starts at 6:00pm and goes until 10:00pm so I usually sneak in my dinner right before class starts. Last night's dinner consisted of a peanut butter fold over in another one of my favorite tortillas (I will give you the full review on these little gems tomorrow), a jazz apple, a part-skim mozzarella cheese stick, and another yogurt. Not exactly glamorous, but it did the trick! I parked it on a bench outside of class to scarf down my dinner. Please forgive me for the half eaten food; I was so hungry I almost forgot to snap a picture.

I think the key to packing healthy meals to go is to plan ahead. I plan all of my meals out in advance on Sunday, and then I hit the store to pick up all of the supplies I need. It's those mornings when you wake up, walk into the kitchen to pack your lunch, and open your cabinet to find canned green beans and apple jacks that you are forced to drive through Taco Bell for lunch. No Thank You! Leftovers are another great way to take the guess work out of packing your lunch. If you really like what you are having for dinner one night, simply make an extra serving for you to take with you the next day. I promise the extra time it takes to meal plan on the weekend will totally be worth it when packing healthy delicious lunches is a piece of cake during your busy work week!

Q's and A's:
Do you pack your lunch or go out to eat?
If you pack, what is your go to lunch box meal?

In health,

Enhanced by Zemanta

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