
Monday, April 18, 2011

New Adventures

Happy Monday Everyone!!

How was your weekend??? Hopefully lovely!

Mr. George and I had a big weekend. On Saturday, I had to work in the morning and half the afternoon, but then it was off to the Warrior Dash!

We did the race with a big group of Eric's work friends. This was my first time to participate in a Warrior Dash race. I was super excited and ready to go! I knew there would be obstacles, but I had no idea they would be so dang scary. We waded through waist deep water, crawled over cars, ran through tires, scaled 14+ foot walls, army crawled underneath REAL barbedwire, and jumped over fire! It was intense! Here's E and I pre-race. Look how clean we are!

Since we didn't want to ruin our camera, we don't have any post-race pictures yet. We are planning on ordering some of the professional ones they took at the finish line. I can't even begin to describe how dirty we were!! It was fun, but I have to say I prefer races where I stay clean. :)

On Saturday night, two of my girlfriends came into town, and we celebrated by going to our favorite restaurant, The Hacienda on Henderson. It was so fun to catch up and talk all about fitness stuff! I miss talking about step choreography and proper squat form. I know, I'm a dork. On Sunday morning, we all woke up and took a hot yoga class at Sunstone Yoga. It was a vinyasa flow class, and I really enjoyed it.

Sunday afternoon was even more exciting. Eric and I started house hunting this weekend and saw quite a few houses we liked on Friday, but nothing really jumped out at us. On Saturday, our realtor called us and said he had a house we had to see. We met up with him Sunday afternoon to view the house. It was amazing, and I am officially in love! I am a big believer in not jinxing things, so I don't want to share too many details until we actually get the house. I'm afraid to get my hopes up too much. I promise I will keep ya'll up to date on the latest house details as they come in. ;)

I'm off to attempt to make a lemon meringue pie for one of the guys at work. I've never made one before, so wish me luck. I hope you have a Marvelous Monday!

Q's and A's:
How was your weekend?
Have you even participated in a Warrior Dash or other adventure race?

In health,

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