
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Try This Thursday Oatmeal Style


How has your day been so far? I hope your Thursday has been terrific. Between my crazy schedule and my annoying cold/sinus infection (I'm not really sure which it is), I have been a little behind in the blogging world!

The other day, I was reading Tina's blog Faith, Fitness, Fun, and she said she cooked her oatmeal on 50% power with extra water to make it more voluminous. I had heard that adding extra water and cooking it for longer makes the oatmeal absorb more water and therefore look and feel like more, but I had never tried cooking my oats on a lower power. Let me tell you, Tina knows her stuff. I made 1/3 a cup of oats with 1 tbsp chia seed and 1/2 cups of frozen blueberries and you would have thought I used the entire bag of oatmeal. Talk about a super satisfying breakfast!

This morning, I had a client at 6:00am and had to head to work straight from the client so I had to be ready for the day when I left my house at 5:30am. This meant makeup on, hair straightened, and lunch packed, which also meant there was no time to make my normal oats. Have no fear though. I would never ever, ever skip breakfast. It simply needed to travel with me, so I put 1/3 cup oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 packet of stevia, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a handful of raisins in a zip lock to make once I got to work.

Due to my 4:45am wakeup call, I felt like I deserved a little morning treat (aka Starbucks)! I ordered my favorite non-fat, sugar-free vanilla latte, and it was delicious!! When I got to work, there was a tiny bit of coffee left in my cup. I needed something to make my oatmeal in, and I thought my Starbucks cup would work perfectly. Instead of drinking the last bit of coffee, I decided to leave it in the cup and mix it in with my oatmeal. Yummy! It gave my oatmeal mixture a little extra kick (thank you caffeine)!

I cooked it on 50% power for double the time again, and look how much oatmeal it made! I was one satisfied little blogger. :) I was ready to hit payroll running.

Q's and A's:
Do you ever have to take your breakfast with you on busy mornings?
What's your go to portable breakfast?

In health,

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