
Friday, February 18, 2011

Socca Party

Happy Friday!!

This is probably the cutest card I have ever seen. My in-laws sent it to Eric and I for Valentine's day. I don't think it could be any more perfect. This is exactly what we look like every Friday night. We sit down to watch a movie, and I end up falling asleep while E finishes the movie! :) This card now has a permanent spot on our fridge.

How is your Friday treating you so far? I must say, mine started out pretty fabulously. I woke up this morning and went for an amazing run. It was a beautiful 65 degrees outside with a slight breeze. Perfection! Next, I headed out to teach a strength training class. I am still pretty sore, but that class is always so fun. After class, I took a little pit stop by Whole Foods for some retail therapy. :) I picked up some pumpkin flax granola, chia seeds, and garbanzo bean flour. I have been looking all over Kroger for this flour, but to no avail. Of course, I found it no problem at Whole Foods!

The blogging world has been buzzing about socca for some time now, so I've been dying to try it. Think of it as a not-so-sweet pancake. It definitely cures any carb cravings and has a decent amount of fiber and protein for minimal calories. You can eat it by itself, or top it with anything you can imagine. It is ridiculously easy to make. Simply mix equal parts flour and water. Then cook in a frying pan just like a pancake.

I ended up just pouring the entire mixture into the pan and making one gigantic socca. After it was finished cooking, I cut it in half. I ate half with my lunch, and saved the rest for later.

They turned out absolutely delicious and so filling. I made some southwest scrambled eggs (eggwhites, black beans and salsa) to scoop up with my socca. It was definitely a winning combination. I had a green apple on the side to round out my lunch. MMMM MMMM Good!

So it might not be the prettiest lunch in the world, but my stomach sure loved it! I am off to finish up some homework and then go layout by the pool. Yes, I said lay out by the pool! Can you believe that a week and a half after the entire city was shut down for a snow day it's warm enough to wear a swimsuit outside? Geeezeeee I LOVE Texas. Swimsuits in February is my kind of weather. I have two books I am dying to read, and reading out in the sun sounds like the best idea I've heard in a long long time.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Q's & A's:
Have you ever tried socca?
Did you try any new recipes this week? If you shared them on your blog, I would love it if you would leave a comment with a link to your deliciousness!
What are your plans for this weekend?

In health,

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