
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why walk slow when you can walk fast?


How are you today?

Yesterday evening, we had a big event at work, so I felt like I was running around like a crazy person most of the day. Everyone in my office makes fun of me for power walking from place to place. I have always been a fast walker. Even if I have absolutely no where to be, I still walk like I'm in a hurry. I blame my dad. :) He walks ridiculously fast, so when I was little I had to learn how to keep up. I don't think blame is really the right word, I quite like my brisk pace.

My motto is, "Why walk slow when you can walk fast?"

My workouts yesterday consisted of teaching water aerobics (not quite a workout), yoga, and a step & sculpt class. Breakfast and dinner both featured eggs, and lunch was a veggie wrap. Very uninspiring.

As most of you know, Runners World is pretty much my handbook for life. If Runners World says it's so, it must be so! I was recently perusing their website, when I came across two very handy little tools that I have used multiple times.

The first one, I use anytime I go for a run outdoors (especially these days when it feels like the arctic outside). This handy little tools helps you decide what attire will keep you the most comfortable during your run. You simply input the temperature, wind speed, conditions (such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc.), and how you like to feel when you run (cool, warm, somewhere in between) and voila it tells you precisely what to wear! Check it out here.

How cool is that?

The second tool that has been super helpful during my training is the "Where Does It Hurt" tool. You simply click on the picture where you are experiencing pain, and it helps you identify the possible culprit. Although this should never take the place of your doctor, it can definitely be a great place to start! Check it out here.

There is even an iPhone App for the first tool. Technology these days! I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday! :)

Q's and A's:
Are you a power walker or a stroller?
Have you ever used either one of these handy little tools?
Do you have little mottos or sayings you use all the time? My other favorite saying is "Sweat is Beautiful!" Don't you think so?

In health,

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