
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Try This Thursday

Good Morning Friends!

How are you this lovely morning? I have good news, I survived the dentist! It was only slightly awful. ;) I'm such a baby!

I had a date with this guy this morning:

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a treadmill near by, especially in this bone chilling weather we've been experiencing lately. (Again, I'm just a baby, it's probably not THAT cold to most people.) My running workouts have been feeling a little ho-hum lately. I usually hop on the treadmill or head outside and run at my comfy pace for however many miles my training plan calls for. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this, but I know I am not getting the most out of my training (example A: I ran 6 miles on Tuesday without my heart rate getting over 155bpm).

We all know that to increase your speed, you need to incorporate speed work into your training, so that is precisely what I did this morning. Surprisingly, I really really like it. My five mile run flew by in no time. The only negative was that I had to pay attention during my run and couldn't tune out (this is usually my time to de-stress and give my brain a break). Check out this morning's workout: (You can click on the picture to enlarge it.)

I added an extra 10 minute power walk to the end of this workout so I could finish watching Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami. It was a very challenging but fun workout! My Garmin was a fan for sure. Since I was on the treadmill the distance reads 0.00 because it could not pick up a satellite signal, but my heart rate monitor still worked!

Try This Thursday Quick Tip: Before you head out for a run (or walk to your apartment complex gym), throw your clothes in the dryer to warm them up. This way when you start your workout, your clothes will keep you warm until your body temperature rises. I have heard this tip before, but haven't done it in ages. I tried it this morning and it was Heaven!

Product Review

I received a product to review from through a promotion on They very graciously sent me a Glycolic Peel set. The set included a daily exfoliator, glycolic peel, and a hyaluronic moisturizer. According to the directions, you are suppose to use the exfoliator for a few days before you try out the peel to make sure you don't have an adverse reactions. I have been using the exfoliator for about 1 1/2 weeks and I absolutely love it. My skin feels smoother and looks more even. I have also seen a little reduction in the appearance of my lovely laugh lines. Overall, my skin looks much much healthier! I am hoping to do the full peel this weekend (it takes a little preparation so I need to set aside some time), and I will let you know how it goes. Thank you again to the folks over at for the great products!

Although I was given the products, I was in no way compensated for my review. The thoughts and opinions are all my own.

I hope you have a great day!

Q's & A's:
Do you incorporate speed work into your training?
Have you ever tried putting your clothes in the dryer before heading out for a run?
What would be your #1 tip for staying warm during cold weather workouts?

In health,

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