So I officially win worst mom of the year award! It is 6 days before this little one turns 11 months old, and I am just now getting up her 9 month update posted. With the start of PulsePointe and some other family matters going on, life has been crazy to say the least. I thought about skipping 9 months and going straight to 10, but I really want to have these blogs to look back on one day, so here it goes!
To say this little bit has a personality would be the understatement of the year! She is full of giggles, funny noises, and will most certainly tell you when she is not pleased. Most of the time she sounds like a cross between a squealing bird and a dragon. This makes going anywhere in public extremely interesting.
This month we celebrated Easter, and baby girl got to show off her beautiful Easter dress. She wasn't so sure about sitting still in church, but she always likes hamming it up for the camera.
She also said goodbye to mushy baby food and hello to big people solids and she's never going back! This girl can EAT! She put herself on the paleo diet from day one and prefers meat over anything else. Turkey? Yes, please! Brisket? She loves it! Breakfast sausage? You better have it cut up and on her plate before she wakes up or she's going to let you have it until you have it ready!
Eggs, on the other hand, she prefers to feed to champ. She's also not a huge fan of strawberries, peaches, or anything she finds even the least big tart. Luckily, she did get her love of watermelon from her mama!
Baby girl also got to experience her first Spring football game this month. Just in case the refs weren't calling a fair game, she was dressed and ready to go in if needed.
Luckily, they did a fairly good job, so she got to spend most of the game hanging out in the press box with daddy!
Speaking of daddy, she LOVES watching daddy play any kind of sport. As you can tell by the picture below, she is an extremely good cheerleader!
She is also miss social. Hanging out with friends (aka stealing their pacifiers) is her favorite!
Overall, she is still an extremely happy but opinionated little girl. She still refuses to even attempt to crawl, but loves to sit and play with any toy that makes noise and flashes fun lights. She now has 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. She still wants to wake up around 4:30 - 5:00 AM for a quick snack, but other than that, she is a great sleeper! Annabelle's cutest new skill this month is definitely her dancing! She has some major rhythm and loves to dance at the studio when the music comes on.
I seriously look at her every day and can't believe how fast she is growing. The time sure does fly!
In health,
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