
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Weekend Recap + 18 Week Baby G Update


I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I'm a day late on my weekend recap, but it was such a wonderful weekend, I needed an extra day to recover!

This weekend, Eric and I had the privilege of celebrating the marriage of two amazing people, Kelcie and Brandon Berry. You know how sometimes you go to weddings and just know that the two people in front of you are 110% perfect for each other? That is exactly how I feel about Kelcie and Brandon. They are both extremely smart, caring, and loving people that deserve the absolute best! It was so much fun getting to celebrate their big day.

E and I have known Brandon since high school so this weekend was like a big reunion! We got to catch up with all of our friends and spend the entire weekend celebrating. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous. I was having so much fun, I only took one picture. Bad blogger!

Luckily, my friend Valerie was a better photographer than I was and snapped this picture of all of the mommy-to-be's in the group! Denise, Amy, and I are all having girls, and Denise is having twins! Denise is due March 29th, Amy is due May 7th, and I am due July 4th (I hope I remembered all of those correctly). I can't wait to get our girls together once they're all here.

Photo compliments of Valerie G.

Sunday, was my birthday and E went all out to make it special. He proposed 5 years ago on Sunday, so he took me back to the spot of the crime. He proposed in front of a beautiful waterfall in downtown Houston. I can't believe it has already been 5 years. I can remember that night like it was yesterday! How did I get so lucky?

Next, he took me to the same restaurant we ate at after he proposed and three of my best girlfriends were there waiting for us. They all three live in Houston so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like. It was so fun to get to catch up!! On our way home, we swung by E's parent's house for some gluten free cake, more presents, and to pick up the pup before heading home. Once we arrived back in Austin, it was Super Bowl time!

I felt so blessed to get to share my birthday weekend with such amazing friends and family and celebrate the union of two AMAZING people! I am one blessed girl!

On to the Baby G update. We are officially 18 weeks in and almost halfway there!

Baby G Stats
How Far Along: 18 weeks (4.5 months in normal people speak)

Size of Baby G: Baby G is about the size of a sweet potato this week.

Movement: Still none. They say you should start feeling the baby move around 20-22 weeks. I can't wait!

Exercise: Exercise is still going well. I enjoyed 3 strength training sessions last week, walked 3-5 miles every day, and taught 2-3 classes each day. Staying active makes me feel good, so I'm going to keep at as long as possible. I have definitely noticed an increase in how sore my hip flexors are. I'm not sure if it's from over use, or because I'm compensating for my weakening abdominal muscles.

Cravings: I'm still loving me some ketchup and So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt. I have also eaten a lot of chia pudding and coconut energy balls this past week. I still don't know if I would really qualify these as cravings. These things just sound good when most things don't. At least I'm not craving pickles and ice cream yet!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and are enjoying a great start to your week!

In health,


  1. Congratulations, Lauren! you are beautiful. :)

  2. Congrats on your upcoming blessings! I didn't have crazy cravings for my pregnancies, I just wanted fruit, a LOT of fruit. Love your Texas wall art!


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