
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Pinterest Has Taught Me About Health and Fitness Lately

Howdy There!

Happy Hump Day. I am sitting here enjoying a delicious banana and almond butter green smoothie as I write this post! MMM MMM good. It's been a pretty good Wednesday so far. I took a kick butt bootcamp class this morning at 6am, taught yoga at 9:45am, and then ran a few errands before heading home to eat lunch and walk the pup. The weather has been crazy here. It was literally 75 degrees out and muggy during bootcamp, but by the time I got home it was in the 50's! I wore my Ugg boots and a jacket to yoga!

So on to the title of this post. I love browsing though Pinterest for new health and fitness ideas and motivation so I thought I would share some of my current favorites with you!

The stability ball is one of my favorite exercise tools so I loved this infographic and added some of these exercises to my routine!

Source: Pinterest Via Brooklyn Fit Chick

People often this yoga is just for improving flexibility so I love this great Infographic showing all of yoga's many benefits!

What to eat before and after a workout can be confusing. This helpful cheat sheet breaks it down for us.

Get health and fitness tips at

Who doesn't want to keep the metabolism running at top speed? I know I do, so I try to keep this list in mind when grocery shopping!

Source: Pinterest via This Is Better

Alrighty folks, I'm off to teach spin. We are cycling to the oldies today and I can't wait. Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Whitney, and Marky Mark are all on the playlist for tonight! Whoop!

Have a happy hump day!

In health,

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